Hello, my name is Ryan. I have been teaching myself web development through many sources such as Free Code Camp, Harvard's CS50 course, Udacity, Coursera.org, etc.
I am based in the New York City metro area and am currently searching for
entry level or freelance web development opportunities that will allow me to improve on my abilities.
Here are links to some of my work on github, codepen and plunker.
While studying I keep an extensive amount of notes as well as links to many resources. I compiled all of these notes and resources for others to use online in this google document. As I am constantly learning this document will see regular updates
Displays the current most popular programming repositories, also uses the Github API to compare 2 users in a battle format.
Allows the user to create and store recipes.
John Conway's Game of Life Replica
Uses the Free Code Camp Api to display the point leaders and their points
A page with media and information on the comedian George Carlin.
A button click generates a new quote from various sources.
This site was done before I had a extensive knowledge of CSS, after studying css I can safely say I should have stuck with Wix.
Local Weather forecast that uses the Weather Underground API
A page that checks whether some Twitch streamers are online and what they are streaming
Search Wikipedia from an input box or generate a random article.
Pomodoro timer that can be customized for any timer and break length, as well as video game sounds to accompany timers. Some video game music is available to play in audio player.
Calculator that accepts keyboard input as well as mouse clicks
A page that displays a 12 hour format clock. This project was my first venture into Jquery
Simon game that has a strict mode, a counter and a short light display upon completion.
1 player Tic Tac Toe game that has random ai. Researching this project I learned about the minimax algorithm but didn't implement it
Battleship game created from the example and code from the book HeadFirst:Javascript
Search Engine for Continental USA