Customize Alert Timer

Timer Length

(Default is 25 minutes)

Break Length

(Default is 5 minutes)

The timers will change to these new values after the current timer expires, if you would like these settings to be implemented immediately please click the appropriate button below or the reset timer button.

Pomodoro Timer with Game Sounds

The Pomodoro technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. The method is based on the idea that frequent breaks can improve mental agility. This information and more can be found at this wikipedia page.

Time Until Next Break

Current Timer Controls

Sounds are enabled, this slider sets the volume of the buttons, sample alarm, and alarm sounds.

To disable sounds please click this button

Total Time Elapsed

Check box if you want the current sample as the alarm sound, it will remain until another sample is checked, if no sound is selected the alarm sound will be random

To generate some random music from video games please click Random Songs which will generate an audio player as well as the randomly selected music.